Complaint about service

Gabrielle Hernandez
234, Indiana Ave
New York, NY

22 September, 2010

Mark Spenser
Marketing Director
Western Communication
4765, South Ave
New York,NY

Dear Mr. Spenser,

This letter is to complain about the service I recently received from Western Communication's customer service representative Michael.

I called Western Communication on 20 September, 2010, to deal with a problem I've had with the phone I bought from one of your branch offices. After I had been on hold for 15 minutes, and it isn't cheap at all, Michael finally came on the line. I had to explain my problem to him several times because he definitely wasn't listening to me!He asked me the same questions repeatedly!Michael again put me on hold for several minutes and then told me could not help me. Needless to say,I was frustrated and extremely disappointed. 

As one of your regular customers, I expected a much higher level of service. I don't want to spend any more time on this problem. I am returning the phone I bough immediately, and I expect a full refund. I will inform all my friends and family about this experience. 


Gabrielle Hernandez

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