Reminder That a Sale Is About to End

Remind a customer that a sale or sales campaign is about to end.

Valeria's antiques

866 West Road •Baltimore, MI 98444

May 25, 2011


Valeria Jenkins

Red Garden, 232

Road 45

Staffordshire, England

Dear Ms Jenkins,

It hardly seems possible, but there is only one week left in our annual antiques sale. Our letter announcing the sale arrived five weeks ago. It just seems like yesterday.

It's still not too late to participate in our sale and take advantage of it. The prices this last week are being slashed into half!Isn't that great?! Visit us and take a look what we have to offer. Our entire staff is ready to work with you and deliver at home address if you decide to purchase something.

Enclose is our Valeria's antiques flyer. Please take some time to look it over and then visit us. You will be glad you did.




Valeria Clark

Sales Manager


See the special offer on Page 5 of our flyer.

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