Positive Resignation

When you must “move on” to accept new opportunities, use this sample to guide the draft of your resignation. It can be very brief; basically providing a formal notice for documentation purposes. Or, it may provide an explanation. Employers appreciate understanding the situation.

34678 Lane
Florida, 34555

November 2,2010

Ross Edwards
Knowledge School
23234 River drive
Florida, 34689

Dear Ross,

With deep regret and some excitement I must resign as an English teacher, effective December 1, 2010. My family will be relocating to New York. My husband was offered a great job in a prestigious law firm. This is an opportunity we cannot overlook.

I will be glad in the training of my replacement. Our school has a couple of very loyal and competent teachers who would be excellent in that role.

Thank for those beautiful and successful years . I will miss the school and colleagues. Ross, your leadership provides me with many warm memories. I wish you all the best.



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