Notification Letter

This letter is to notify the recipient that the bill is overdue.

Modern Wear
482 Holloway Road. • Islington, Greater London, United Kingdom

November 5, 2007

Sam Parker
768 Avenue Road.
Arthur Rd,London, SW19, UK

Dear Mr. Parker:

Thank you for shopping with us. You are a valued customer. We
appreciate your business and know that you want to keep your
account current with us.

On September 15, 2007, you purchased merchandise worth $440.06
from our store in Arthur Rd. Your payment of $100 is now overdue.

In the credit agreement you signed, you agreed to pay off
your bill in three payments. The first payment of $100 was due
October 15, 2007. Please send this amount now.

Failure to pay on time may affect your ability to charge
merchandise at our store and we don' want to lose any of our customers.
Thank you for your prompt attention.

You may call me at 600-555-7854 if you have any questions or
concerns. Your continued patronage is important to us.



Angelica Baker
Credit Manager

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