
This letter expresses appreciation for something that was done. Quite often these are to employees of a company. Thank you notes are meaningful rewards. The written word has power.

Blue Velvet
234 Star Avenue • Staffordshire, IA 49001

June 13, 2010

B.J. Green
4568 N. South Road
Texas, TA 45454

Dear Mr. Green,

On behalf of the staff at Blue Velvet ,I want to express my appreciation for your help in our recent campaign. This project was very important for our company for future growth.

We are very happy with your brilliant work which now has made it possible to go ahead with the next project.
We have decided to reward you on your hard work. In regards to that, we have increased your basic salary up to 20% from next month. You will be the head of Sales & Marketing Department. We hope you will continue your brilliant performance in future as well.

Thank you for all of your hard work. Blue Velvet is successful because of employees like you.



Manuela Edwards,

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